Negative feedback examples interview
Negative feedback examples interview

negative feedback examples interview

Negative feedback examples interview professional#

We hire professional interviewers (people with multiple years of experience interviewing candidates) to help us create our interview questions and write answer examples. We do this by creating interview questions that we think you might be asked. The purpose of this page is to help you prepare for your job interview. I felt inspired by his ideas, so I took a weekend course on designing presentations in Google Slides, and today I feel much more comfortable creating eye-catching presentations." I kept the template in my Google Drive and made a few similar versions to have a library of slides to choose from whenever he needed a project from me. (Result) In the end, the presentation looked very professional, and the executive was pleased with my changes. (Action) He had a background working for a creative agency in the past, so I chose to listen to his feedback, absorb the lessons he provided, and then incorporate those ideas into the presentation. This executive had different design concepts in mind and was not impressed with many of the style decisions I made. After the executive reviewed my work, he commented that some slides looked messy. "(Situation & Task) While working for Company XYZ as an executive assistant, I was asked to create presentation slides for one of our executive's client meetings. (Result) Thanks to the feedback I received and the action I have taken to change, my teaching and interpersonal skills have improved." I've asked my colleagues for more feedback on how I can grow, and I asked one of the newer teachers to mentor me and show me some of the new learning plans she has been incorporating in her classroom.

negative feedback examples interview

Taking my progress further, I started helping make some of the suggested changes at my school. I took this revelation to heart and have since been more open to hearing the input and suggestions of our newer faculty members. I took the day to reflect on the feedback and realized that my principal was right. (Action) Initially, I felt a bit embarrassed and wondered if I had hurt anyone's feelings. Before receiving this feedback, I didn't realize that I was reluctant to change. They told me that, although I am a seasoned teacher who many team members respect, I could benefit from being more adaptable to the modern ideas of our newer faculty members. "(Situation & Task) Recently, the school principal pulled me aside for a conversation. Now, as a Sales Manager, I often provide this wisdom to my most eager team members when I witness them overextending themselves." I am thankful for the feedback I received. (Result) What I found interesting was that my sales results steadily increased, and I wasn't burning myself out simultaneously. After receiving the feedback, I dedicated my time to learning as much as possible in my current position and paced myself more sustainably. (Action) As frustrating as it was to hear this feedback, I listened. She was worried that I would burn myself out and advised that steady, hard work would result in strong and sustainable results. She then provided me with the feedback that I needed to slow down. She said that she appreciated the grit I showed and my hunger to succeed. My manager, the VP of Sales, approached me one day. I came to work early, worked late nearly every day, and did everything that I could to grow my client portfolio. "(Situation & Task) While working at Company XYZ as a sales representative, I was new to my career and very eager to climb the ranks. The feedback ended up being a great learning experience for me and helped me grow professionally." I learned that I could still be friends with my team while ensuring that everyone performed to the best of their ability and met company expectations. (Result) Ultimately, I realized that this weakness of mine came down to lacking clear expectations of my team members, thus failing to hold them accountable for the result of their work.

negative feedback examples interview

I also listened to leadership-related podcasts every morning for a month. I read a few books on leadership and communicating as a manager. (Action) However, I listened to my manager when she told me this feedback because I knew that to keep my promotion and continue to grow, I needed to show improvements and a willingness to learn. This feedback was hard for me to hear since it felt like a criticism of my personality. "(Situation & Task) When I took my first assistant manager role, I received feedback that I was too much of a friend to the associates and needed to be a firmer leader.

Negative feedback examples interview